Form C -7 The following images are the information regarding individuals with pending criminal cases, who have been selected as

Form C -7 The following images are the information regarding individuals with pending criminal cases, who have been selected as
১৫ মার্চ, ২০২১ সোমবার আব্বাস সিদ্দিকী ভয়ঙ্কর মৌলবাদী। কারণ তিনি মসজিদ-মন্দিরের পাশে বসে থাকা ভিক্ষুকের হাতে কাজ চান। আব্বাস সিদ্দিকী
Form C -7 The following images are the information regarding individuals with pending criminal cases, who have been selected as
Form C -7 The following images are the information regarding individuals with pending criminal cases, who have been selected as
For third to eighth phases of the 2021 West Bengal Assembly elections, The list of candidates of the Left Front Supported by the United Front was published. Third to Eighth phase (6th April, 10th April, 17th April, 22th April, 26th April, 29th April 2021)
Anil Mandal, a United Front-backed RSP candidate, submitted his nomination at the Gosaba assembly constituency in South 24 Parganas district.
The following images are the information regarding individuals with pending criminal cases, who have been selected as candidates, along with the reasons for such selection, as also as to why other individuals without criminal antecedents could not be selected as candidate.
The following images are the information regarding individuals with pending criminal cases, who have been selected as candidates, along with the reasons for such selection, as also as to why other individuals without criminal antecedents could not be selected as candidate.
৮ই মার্চ আমাদের চােখ ইতিহাসের পাতায় ছাপােনা একটি তারিখমাত্র নয়। ৮ই মার্চ আজ এখন। পেট্রোগ্রাডের নারীশ্রমিক বা বিশ্বযুদ্ধে রত রুশ
ডিজিটাল ইন্ডিয়া। এবং মোদীর ডিজিটাল ইন্ডিয়া। উত্তরপ্রেদেশেও জিও ধান-ধানা-ধান 4G স্পিডে চলে। ততোধিক স্পিডে লাশ গুনতে হয় নির্যাতিতাদের। দলিত মহিলাদের